Monday, April 10, 2006

Can you have a pre-midlife crisis?

Ok, I lied in that last post. Not gonna work yet. I just need to express my dismay at being OLD!

My little sister, Beki, is going to be 18 on Wednesday. 18! In less than 48 hours!! She graduates High School in less than 2 months!! On my birthday, no less. So I'm gonna be all, "oh, she's all grown up (kinda)" and "oh my god I'm 27 years old!!!!!!!!" at the same time.

And my little cousin Brittany just turned13 last month. Now, I don't remember when Beki was born, but I do remember Britt. 13!!! And at her DJ'd party, I was complaining that the music was too loud. Now if that doesn't say old what does?

Ok, all done. At least Jimi is older :)

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