Friday, April 14, 2006

But at least it's not squalor

My apartment is such a mess right now. I can't find anything when I need it. I make myself sick, seriously. Right now, I can't find my W2s. I've already filed federal taxes online and already have the $$. But I need to mail my Dickson City and Pennsylvania taxes. I broke even so its not a huge deal, but I need to file them. And I need the W2s to do that. I haven't the faintest where they could be. I have some of my paperwork from my taxes, but not those.


So, yeah. Obviously orgainizing this apartment is going to be a priorty once the semester is over. I'm going to do my craft stuff first. No, not the most important but what will make me feel better faster. Then icky paperwork. I'll sit in front of the tv and shred my little heart out. Right now I think I'm going to make a detailed Summer To Do List. Print it out and post it, well, somewhere, I guess. Cross it off one by one. Maybe it will help keep me motivated.

1 comment:

Aileen said...

I feel for you. I'm not at squalor, I dont think. But I haven't cared about this place in oh...3 years so caring for it has been such a pain in the ass.