Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I'm about 99% done with my Instrumental class. I had my presentation today and I just finished my ICPMS paper. All I have to do is polish it and my trace paper and print them out. I'll hand them in on Thursday at the last class.

Now I'm off to get some food then try to study Pharm. We had a review tonight so I'm not too concerned about it. If the test was tomorrow, I'd be screwed. But it's Thursday. So I have tomorrow night and the 3 hour break prior to class. I'm going to try to study/review with Tim one of those nights. He helped me sooooo much on the last test.

I can't wait until Thursday night. I'll be about 90% done with the semester. Maybe even more. All that will be left is Mock Trial. And maybe I'll be able to finally blog about Easter and the dresses I bought once it's over. I can't take the time to do it now. I shouldn't even take the time to blog this.

PS. I would like to take the time to point out that the spell check doesn't like "pharm." Keeps telling me it should be "porn." It also doesn't like "blog." Explain to me how the spell check on a blog can't spell blog.

Friday, April 21, 2006

You know what sucks?

Realizing that you don't really like someone you once liked. Not only that, but realizing you have basically no respect for them. And to make it worse, discovering that these feelings are affecting how you feel about someone else.

What the hell do you do when this happens?

I have close to zero respect for this person. I hate things that they do, things that they say, and the way they treat people. And I know it's not gonna get better anytime soon. Like I said, it sucks.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Funny Cats

This is freaking hilarious!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Food, yum

I am so full. Had dinner at Lindsay's tonight for Darby's birthday. Homemade lasagna. And Death by Chocolate for dessert. OMG I think I finally starting to come down off the sugar high. And the carbs are kicking in. So I'm full and sleepy. Making it hard to stay awake to work on this Instrumental test a bit.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Go me!

Well, today was much more productive than last Sunday. I've finished my fake CV and "expert witness report" for Law class. My presentation is more or less finished. I'm sure I'll add or change things later on, especially as I practice it. So I should be more than able to work on the trace paper tomorrow, even with the Instrumental test and going to Lindsay's for dinner. I just have to study for Pharmacology at some point and write the ICPMS paper. I need to find an article for that one. Now. Doesn't look like the interlibrary loan is going to come through. So it's either pay the $30 or go with something else. Gee, what do you think it'll be?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Finally, some pictures

Here are a few pics I've taken of Loti with my camera phone.

And here are a few of a really pretty rainbow I saw yesterday. You can see the double rainbow in one or two. It was a full rainbow, which I'm pretty certain I've never seen before. And there were a few seen back home yesterday, too. Odd :)

But at least it's not squalor

My apartment is such a mess right now. I can't find anything when I need it. I make myself sick, seriously. Right now, I can't find my W2s. I've already filed federal taxes online and already have the $$. But I need to mail my Dickson City and Pennsylvania taxes. I broke even so its not a huge deal, but I need to file them. And I need the W2s to do that. I haven't the faintest where they could be. I have some of my paperwork from my taxes, but not those.


So, yeah. Obviously orgainizing this apartment is going to be a priorty once the semester is over. I'm going to do my craft stuff first. No, not the most important but what will make me feel better faster. Then icky paperwork. I'll sit in front of the tv and shred my little heart out. Right now I think I'm going to make a detailed Summer To Do List. Print it out and post it, well, somewhere, I guess. Cross it off one by one. Maybe it will help keep me motivated.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Can you have a pre-midlife crisis?

Ok, I lied in that last post. Not gonna work yet. I just need to express my dismay at being OLD!

My little sister, Beki, is going to be 18 on Wednesday. 18! In less than 48 hours!! She graduates High School in less than 2 months!! On my birthday, no less. So I'm gonna be all, "oh, she's all grown up (kinda)" and "oh my god I'm 27 years old!!!!!!!!" at the same time.

And my little cousin Brittany just turned13 last month. Now, I don't remember when Beki was born, but I do remember Britt. 13!!! And at her DJ'd party, I was complaining that the music was too loud. Now if that doesn't say old what does?

Ok, all done. At least Jimi is older :)

Yes, I should be working on this stuff and not blogging about it

Well, I'm back. Found some articles so I can write my Trace paper tonight. I just hope it's an okay article. I'm just gonna use it, write a decent paper on it and hope for the best. Still can't find an article for ICPMS. Well, that's kinda a lie. I found 3 citations. One in Journal of Forensic Science. A volume that is not at work and not at the Foundation. Strike one. One in Journal of Forensic Science International. In press and it's $30 to get online. Strike two. One in a journal I've never even heard of. But it would be kinda cool. It talks about using this technique (ICPMS) to find art forgeries. Again, $30 to get online. But maybe I can get it through Interlibrary loan. So, kinda sorta strike three. More like foul ball with two strikes.

I have about an inch of stuff for my Radioimmunoassay presentation. I should be able to put the presentation together this weekend. Read the stuff during the week and PowerPoint on Sunday and Monday. Then I'll have next week and my Easter weekend to brush it up. I just need to find some photos.

Ok, I'll work now.

Monday's suck, even when you don't work

Yeah, so I got next to nothing done yesterday. I did my fake CV for my Law class Mock Trial and decided that the articles I have for one of my papers aren't going to work. I said I was going to have my CV done, one paper written, the article for my other paper picked, and work on my presentation by tomorrow. So if I want to stick with that, I have to drive to the Foundation and copy articles. I don't wanna!

Ok, now that that's out of my system.........

I'm going to take a shower, eat something (yes, I know, amazing) and drive the 45 minutes and pray that the volumes I need are there. Otherwise I might just cry. And I don't want to do that, not today.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Arcadia Curse

I'm pretty certain this program is cursed. At least when it comes to relationships. Let's break it down.

There are 15 of us: 5 guys and 10 girls

3 of these people entered this program with significant others and have since broken up. And these were long term relationships. One was 7 years!

2 of us started relationships while in the program Both ended. Mine after my accident, only 2 weeks after a perfect Valentine's Day weekend, the other one on Valentine's Day.

Of the 10 remaining students, 2 are in good relationships. One just got engaged and the other is only waiting for the $$ for a ring.

The other 8 as far as I know, nothing. Is it hopeless? Do we just live vicariously through the two lucky onesl? Or just say screw it. Love sucks anyway.

My summer

Ya know how we all make these great New Year’s resolutions? And most of them get broken before Valentine’s Day. I know mine did. So I’m making some Start of Summer resolutions. Or maybe they can be 27th birthday resolutions. Whatever.

Looking at the things I plan to resolve its plain to see that I’m trying to change myself entirely. Well, maybe not entirely. Just a lot. I’ve already started on some of this. I’ve signed up to take two classes through Mt. Airy Learning Tree . Yoga and Meditation. I’m going to start the Change One diet. Again. I’m going to Walk Away the Pounds. Hopefully. I’m going to get on a regular sleeping schedule. Don’t laugh. I’m going to finally go through all this crap in my apartment. Do the whole three pile thing: Keep this, Trash this, Give this away. I mean, damn! I have some things packed in trunks that moved from my parents’ place after graduation from Wilkes to jackass’s in Jersey back to my parents’ for two months to the first apartment in Houston to the second apartment in Houston back to my parents’ for a year and now down here in Philly. (I should not have my parents’ place in that sentence three times. I’m so pathetic) So I really really need to do some serious organizing (especially my craft supplies. I swear I have craft ADD). It will help me feel better and less like a total loser.

Let’s see, what else……Along the lines of improving myself, which really, all of this is pointing in that direction, I have a few books about finding inner peace and breathing better and improving memory. I’m going to make up a schedule for myself and try to at least read them this summer. And of course, hope to absorb some of it.

All while working at National Medical Services at least 30 hours each week. Oh and I’m going to get my finances in order. Make a budget and stick to it. Well, at least give it a decent shot. I have to start saving for next year’s trips. San Antonio in February for the American Academy of Forensic Science Annual Meeting and Ireland in the summer. At least I think Ireland in the summer. I’d love to go, but I don’t know if I’ll have the funds or if I’ll be ok with going alone. And I don’t really want to go with my family. It wouldn’t be too bad, but I’d rather not take the chance of my dream vacation to Ireland being ruined by Beki throwing a tantrum or not being able to see things ‘cause Dad can’t walk that far or Mom has a migraine. Or not be able to buy cool things without the look. You know what I mean. The “Do you really need to spend your money on that?” look. But who knows. Maybe I’ll be lucky and have a job that starts right after school.

Ok. This post has lived up to the blog’s name. Did I ramble enough for you?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I should be studying

Well, not studying so much as writting papers and finishing this take home test. But, no. I can't seem to get too motivated. Then I look at the calendar and realize that after this weekend, I only have 3 weekends left. Yep, 3 weekends to the end of the month. That week I have my Pharmacology final, two papers for Instrumental Analysis, and a final presentation for the same class. And I might have my mock trial for Law that week too. Oh, and most likely another take home test for Instrumental. So I need to get my ass in gear and get this test done so I can try to get some work done on the papers. They will need to be done by next Tuesday. Then I can focus on the presentation for the last two weekends.

OMG where did this semester go?!?!?!