Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I am so bored

Right now I am sitting in my Law, Evidence and Procedure class. And yes, I'm blogging. Why, you ask? Because I'm done with the semester's work. We are doing Mock Trials. Well, more like mock mock trials. We had 3 groups; my group went last night which is why I'm done. We made up fake cases with three expert witnesses with way out side the box opinions. Then the "lawyers" filed motions to exclude the opinions. Only one group went last night and we were here for about an hour and a half. Two groups are going tonight. Do the math, add in the fact that I don't have any more finals to study for, and you will see why I'm blogging.

Since I'm here, I might as well vent about last night. No other place to do it :) Our prof wasn't here for about a month of classes. Yes, we did have a fill in. But this fill in, as much as we all liked him (and we like him much more than the regular prof) didn't know what was going to be expected of us. We thought he did, but we found out last night, while we were doing our trial, that it was incomplete. Ya know, if you have a semester long project, maybe it might be a good idea to tell your students what they will be doing! We didn't know what order we were "testifying", what was expected to be on a chain of custody, etc. Write it down! Especially when this is the third year you are doing this. You know what is going to happen!

Ok, done bitching about Law class. And I have at least another two hours here. So we'll see how many posts I write.

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