Monday, June 26, 2006

Kitty drugs

Loti was fixed two weeks ago. Finally. Hopefully she will gain some weight and calm down a little bit. She did okay. She was jumping on the window sills and begging to play fetch the day after she came home. I think she pulled a stitch, but she healed fine. We went to the vet's today to have the stitches removed. She was a good kitty. Once we got there, that is. The poor thing hates going in the car. At her best, she sits there panting and drooling. At her worst, she goes frantic clawing at the carrier. And since it is a hard carrier, she winds up with bleeding claws. And this was only a 30 minute drive. By time we got to the office today, her paws and tail were soaked with saliva. I'm taking her home this weekend. At least a two hour drive when it's not a holiday. I asked the vet for any advice and he said tranq her. So I have kitty drugs. Half a pill one hour before departure. 5 pills, 8 bucks, good until 2008. Works for me. I just have to try to make her take the pill with out losing a finger.

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