Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006

Kitty drugs

Loti was fixed two weeks ago. Finally. Hopefully she will gain some weight and calm down a little bit. She did okay. She was jumping on the window sills and begging to play fetch the day after she came home. I think she pulled a stitch, but she healed fine. We went to the vet's today to have the stitches removed. She was a good kitty. Once we got there, that is. The poor thing hates going in the car. At her best, she sits there panting and drooling. At her worst, she goes frantic clawing at the carrier. And since it is a hard carrier, she winds up with bleeding claws. And this was only a 30 minute drive. By time we got to the office today, her paws and tail were soaked with saliva. I'm taking her home this weekend. At least a two hour drive when it's not a holiday. I asked the vet for any advice and he said tranq her. So I have kitty drugs. Half a pill one hour before departure. 5 pills, 8 bucks, good until 2008. Works for me. I just have to try to make her take the pill with out losing a finger.

I'm always so late with these things.......

And I'm never as clever as Aileen is with her post titles. Or subjects.

But here is the quick replay of Alison's bachorlette party.

It was so much fun. If I knew how to relax, it would have been even more fun. Alison's family was a blast to hang out with, even before we were all smashed. The limo was very cool. I'm glad I didn't have to climb over the seats to get to the front, like Alison did. And if I heard Mom say "I don't know how bridal parties get in and out" one more time, I was gonna kill her. We had dinner at 130 Brixx in Scranton. Really good food. The Buffalo Potato Skins, yummmm. And the nachos are huge affairs. Then we went to an Irish bar, The Banchee. Kinda dead since the semester is over and the place is usually packed with college students. So it was off to Flashbacks. Yes, I danced. And drank. And danced some more. Wish I'd danced more. Or drank more, but it was still a blast. The limo ride home was, shall we say, interesting. The wedding is going to be so much fun with Kathleen and Joann and Leann and Lee. Can't wait for family get togethers at Jimi and Alison's place.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

About damn time

I'm finally going to blog about Alison's bridal shower.

It was so hot, but once all the doors were opened we had a nice breeze. Mom and I made 7 types of cookies; we had 6 trays. They were a big hit. So were the wreaths Mom made. She made 9 of them, to pretty much cover the whole year. In addition to that we had 6 gift bags between Mom, Beki, and myself. We were concerned that one person (y'all know who) would cause a scene over something stupid, but luckily we were proved wrong. She just sat there and pretty much pouted for two hours. Not only did she not help set up or clean up, she didn't even say good-bye to Alison. So, whatever. Alison, and Jimi too for that matter, are just glad she didn't make a fuss and hope she does the same thing at the wedding. And they've just moved, so they no longer live right there and hopefully will not have to deal with her shit as often.

So that's about it. Alison got some great gifts, both from her register and not. We got to meet her family and they loved us, and we loved them. This weekend is the bachelorette party. I plan to have a damn good time. I need it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Not the post I meant to post

So I didn't blog last week like I said I would. I know. I'll get to it, eventually.

Right now, I need to vent and try to avoid a panic attack. About? $$$$

I totally screwed myself when I went to the dentist to get my root canal finished. Even going to the dental school, without insurance it sucks. $250. And all I had was my debit card. I was under the impression that the $75 I paid the first time was the entire amount. My fault. Completely. But it put a serious crimp in my liquid assets. And liquid is what I need for rent, cable, and credit card payments. I was a bad girl and missed some payments lately so my current minimum payments on a few are not small. Add in the fact that I still have 4 trips home and gas is still icky.....

Speaking of going home, there is all the stuff that I want/need to do for the wedding. I need a haircut and I'm getting my hair done the day of the wedding. I wanted to get highlights, not happening. I want to do the Mystic Tan so I'm not ghostly white, especially with pictures. That is up in the air. Mom, Beki, and I plan to go to Empire Beauty School to get manicures and pedicures the day before the wedding. I was hoping to get acrylics since my nails are so shot from wearing gloves all day at work.

I actually just left a message, well two messages, on my mom's voicemail at work. Yes, it's 3am. I had to ask if I can borrow some cash and I'm too much of a chicken shit to do it later. I know she's gonna ask me where the student loan went and I'm not sure. Car issues didn't help, but I did get a bonus at work, a tax refund, and a check from the insurance company. So the fact that I don't know what happened isn't helping. I know about $300 went to gas and tolls when I was driving 4 hours each weekend for those 2 months. And Christmas presents. And this gas. The money to the dental school. And the $90 for antibiotic and pain pills. And the money for health insurance. Which I can't even really benefit from until I spend $1800. After that I pay nothing. But I don't exactly have the funds to even reach that deductible.

God, I hope I get cash as gifts for my birthday. How freaking sad is that? I'm going to be 27 and I'm hoping for presents. I should be happy if anyone even remembers it's my birthday.

Ok. I need to chill. I just need to take it one day at a time. Work more hours to earn more money. Limit non-essential spending. Pay things on time. Remember that my Zoloft is not a non-essential. As much as the $80 in my pocket would help, I need the chemical help more. I'm sure it's the main reason I'm not a total mess right now. I know that freaking out isn't a solution and will distract me from finding a solution, but that never stopped the panic attacks in the past.

Ok. Enough with the woe is me post. I'm going to try to sleep.